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Our Mission

To enable people with profound disabilities to lead full and rewarding lives as part of their family and community.

Our vision is to be an inclusive and equal society, where people are released from expectations others have about disability.

We operate by the following values:

Committed (love): We offer a home for life for our residents and families in the wider community.

Care: We ensure that our residents receive high quality care and support which is person-centred, reflecting their needs and wishes.  We uphold our resident’s dignity, privacy and human rights.

Choice (freedom): We support our residents to maximise their choice, control and independence.

Community: We are committed to operating as a community and committed to being a responsible part of the local communities around us.

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Find out more Decoration

Ensuring that there is high quality care and support, centred on the people we care for.

We offer love, care, freedom and opportunity allowing profoundly disabled people and their families to get more from life.

For people to develop and reach their full potential using a caring, holistic and person centred approach.

Reaching out to families in East Sussex, caring for people with a profound disability.

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